trainings and coaching

About our trainings and coaching

Successful interaction with other people is the key to success, both at work and in personal life. How we interact with people in the work community or customer interface affects the productivity and profitability of the entire organization.

We provide trainings and workshops for teams  about developing teams and leading them and also coaching for individuals taking into account individual needs of persons.

Organizations and communities are different and therefore all of our coachings and trainings can be tailored to best suit each organization and community.

All our coachings and trainings can be arranged on site or remotely, in Finnish or English.

HAUS Sopimuskumppani logo

We are a contractual partner of HAUS Kehittämiskeskus. We provide workshops and training for state administration institutions, agencies and businesses such as ministries, parliament, tax administration, VTT, Tilastokeskus (Statistics Finland) and Customs.

for teams

Teamwork is very important at work and in a community. It means interacting with other people, both inside and outside a group. Knowing the members of the group, recognizing and appreciating the differences members have, open interaction, mutual respect and a sense of togetherness all contribute to the formation of an inspiring atmosphere and team spirit.

Fluently working team is able to face and deal with challenges in a positive way that takes into account the strengths of the group members and is also solution-oriented.

Projects run for a limited time and often bring together project teams of people who do not know each other. In this case, effective grouping is very important for the success of the project.

Remote and hybrid work pose different challenges and needs for teamwork and also leading people than on-site work.

for individuals

The goals in trainings and coaching are to better manage time, find ways to develop oneself and plan one’s own career more systematically. They aim to find an individual’s own strengths and things that are meaningful and motivating and give energy.

Coaching provides individual support for solving one’s problems and clarifying and achieving own ideas and goals. Problems and goals can be related to one’s own work or personal life situation.

our coach PAsi Strengell

Pasi Strengellin kuva

+358 45 78369909

Hi, I’m Pasi and I work as a trainer and coach for teams and individuals. I believe that my long experience of both managerial and HR roles in expert organizations helps me see the challenges and needs of teams and leadership but also realism and available organizational resources to improve those.

I have strong knowledge of operating in an international environment where community and group members are from different cultures and may be located in different locations and even in different countries.

I have experience in organizing trainings and coaching effectively and inspiringly for participants, both on-site face-2-face and virtually with remote connection. I have provided trainings in Finland, Germany, Poland, Hungary and China.

I believe that individuals, and also groups, have a great deal of expertise, and creating awareness of it and bring it forward will enable them to succeed and achieve or even exceed their goals in new ways. Trust, well-being, an open and positive attitude bring enthusiasm to both work and everyday life.

I am licenced coach for the following:

NATURAL TENDENCIES™ – Supervisor and expert coach
Leadership Architect (Korn Ferry)
Interview Architect (Korn Ferry)
Insights Discovery